Since 1998, the Center for the Study of Women, Science, and Technology has sponsored several events for the campus community and the public, including
- An annual fall reception co-sponsored with the Women’s Resource Center, Women in Engineering, and OMED to celebrate new women faculty and staff, student leaders, and members of the Women, Science, and Technology Learning Community
- An annual distinguished lecture
- Periodic focused research panels with speakers addressing faculty development issues around research and faculty-student interaction
- Periodic StrengthsFinder and other leadership workshops for faculty and staff
- Periodic faculty development workshops offered by professional facilitators on negotiation and other topics for faculty, post docs, and graduate students
- A Women’s Awareness Month talk, research panel, or town hall
- An annual lunch thanking Women, Science, and Technology Mentors and allies
Each year since 2000 WST has organized events and other initiatives for residents of the Women, Science, and Technology Learning Community and other interested students, including
- Monthly dinners for all residents that feature notable women faculty, staff, employers, and alumnae discussing their careers and other topics
- Occasional small group lunches connecting faculty/staff and students
- Periodic residence hall and campus activities coordinated by the WST Learning Community resident assistants and Housing
- Movie nights, field trips, and other activities organized by WST residents and resident assistants, graduate partners, or co-directors
- Weekly volunteer opportunities with the Girls Excelling in Math and Science (GEMS) club meeting at Inman Middle School, Virginia Ave., Atlanta
- A humanities course taught by Dr. Colatrella in Stein study lounge
- Career events sponsored with the Center for Career Discovery and Development
- WST graduate partners and Dr. Colatrella also hold office hours in Stein study lounge